Dear Friends,
It was a moment like no other. This afternoon over 5000 Reform Jews from all over the U.S. and Canada gathered together in one hall to hear the President of the United States speak for the first time to a Union for Reform Judaism Biennial convention. "Hineini," he said. "I am here." The President was quoting our ancestor Joseph in this week's Torah portion. He delivered an excellent D'var Torah, as a matter of fact, as part of his address to the assembled crowd. Among other highlights of the President's speech was a discussion of our Reform Movement's deep, historic involvement in civil rights, the fight for equality for all Americans and tikkun olam, the repair of the world. All of this was in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Religious Action Center, the Reform Movement's office in Washington, which is so respected on Capitol Hill. He also included a hilarious riff on his daughter attending one bar/bat mitzvah after another, echoing the very same concerns and talks we have with our kids going through the same experience. It was a privilege to be present for such an electric and historic moment for our Reform Movement.
"Hineini," we are here. Fifteen members of Temple Sinai are here in D.C. for the URJ Biennial, a historic moment for our congregation and its leadership. There hasn't been a delegation even close to this size from our congregation at a Biennial in at least a generation, if ever. We are learning an enormous amount about how to make Temple Sinai a more vibrant congregation, more effective at serving your needs, more passionate and connected as a community. And we are making a statement that we are proud to be part of a vibrant and powerful Movement, the Reform Movement in Judaism.
Attached is a photo of our delegation. We will share many more with you when we return.
Shabbat Shalom and Happy Chanukah!
Ps – If you would like to see and hear President Obama’s speech, it and other selected sessions from the Biennial are available online at The following sessions will be webcast live at and on JLTV (find your local listing):
• Friday 6:15-7:15pm Kabbalat Shabbat Services
• Saturday 10am-12:30pm Shabbat Services and Rabbi Yoffie's farewell sermon
• Sunday 8:45-10:30am Closing Plenary
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